Welcome to the Champions League!
My name is Jordan Donald. I am a loving, connected, and joyful woman! I stand for Power, Love, and Freedom! I wake up every day inspired and excited to help young people awaken and create the best version of themselves.
Ingredient #1
I believe in living life ALL-IN. What this means to me is absolute resolute COMMITMENT. Commitment is a CHOICE.
Too often we as people sell out – on ourselves, and on others. We default to comfortability. This is a feeling. And you know what? Feelings ARE NOT facts. They are not truth. They ARE interpretations from the biochemical signals in our bodies.
Did you know that fear and excitement have the same psychosomatic presentation in the body? That’s right. It’s about what we tell ourselves – the stories, or the running commentary in our minds – that determine how we “feel” – afraid or excited. What would happen if you told yourself – I am excited!
Commitment is unwavering resolve in spite of feelings to honor your word – to do what you said, in letter and spirit.
This is the first essential ingredient to a Champions life. Want to win in your relationships? Be committed. Want to win in your career? Be committed. Want to win in your health? Be committed.
Real Talk?
Now, may I speak freely to the young adults in the room?
#1 I love you deeply. I am in your corner. I believe in you. You are an incredible human being and you can do amazing things.
#2 My experience of most young adults today is uncommitted. The operational default is set to “feelings” not “choices”.
Hear me when I say this: you will be forever under-confident, dissatisfied, and insecure in your life until you master COMMITMENT.
Ingredient #2
Next, I believe in SHOWING-UP. What this means to me is vulnerable authentic CONNECTION. Connection is a PRIVILEGE.
I was hurt a lot throughout my life in all different kinds of relationships. The way I coped with this was to withdraw and isolate. Not only did I do this with others, I began to do this with myself. I neglected my body, my mind, my spirit. This is NOT living!
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear/see it, did it fall?
Try this on for size: If a person lives completely alone and no one is there to see/hear/experience them, did this person actually live?
I happen to believe that life is not life until it is shared with others. Together is better. We are meant to be in community. Each of us has a UNIQUE light that only we bring. To me, we are morally obligated to share this with others. To refuse is selfish and not loving.
Connection is authentic vulnerability and visibility human to human.
This is the second essential ingredient to a Champions life. If you want to go far, go alone. If you want to go further – aka to the Championship – go with others. Want to win in your relationships? Be connected. Want to win in your career? Be connected. Want to win in your health? Be connected.
Real talk to my young adults?
#3 My experience of young people today is false connection. Social media is NOT connection! Text messaging is NOT connection! Connection is human to human, face to face.
Connection is about vulnerability and visibility! It’s about risking your presence with another person and being unable to escape should things come up and get uncomfortable.
#4 My experience of young people today is disconnection with self.
- Are you able to be without your electronic devices for at least 1 hour and NOT experience negative emotions?
- Do you take your phone to bed?
- Are you able to share a meal with your friends or family and NOT touch your phone?
- Are you able to pause and take 3 deep breaths right now and identify the feeling you are experiencing?
- If the power and internet went out for 24 hours – with no power banks or generators – what would happen?
Hear me when I say this: you will be forever under-confident, dissatisfied, and insecure in your life until you master CONNECTION.
Ingredient #3
My final key ingredient to a Champions Life is DIG DEEP. What this means to me is COURAGE. Courage is not about not experiencing fear. Courage IS about feeling fear and moving forward anyway. Courage is a NON-NEGOTIABLE.
I played small most of my life. I was afraid of what others would think, what they would say, how they would treat me. I let fear control me. Because of this, I sacrificed what I wanted so that others would respond positively to me.
Let me tell you something: playing big requires COURAGE. It is non-negotiable.
I’m still afraid a lot of the time. I see it. I acknowledge it. And then I reassure myself that I’ve got this – that I’m going for greatness, and it’s going to be okay.
Life is hard, my young people. Are you going to let your fear control you and your life? OR!
Are you going to STEP OUT in COURAGE and create the life you want?!